Tropicasa Realty - Preparing Your Puerto Vallarta Roof for Summer

Preparing Your Puerto Vallarta Roof for Summer

Written By Tropicasa Realty | June 3rd, 2022

Preparing Your Puerto Vallarta Roof for Summer

With the beautiful April weather and temperatures we have been enjoying this spring in Puerto Vallarta, the summer rainy season may be the last thing on the minds of Puerto Vallarta homeowners. And while we still enjoy plenty of sun during the summer season, July through October brings our seasonal rains. While rainstorms are usually short, they do bring heavy bursts of precipitation and it’s important to protect your Puerto Vallarta property from rain damage.  

One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that your roof is properly sealed and the dry spring months are an excellent time to take care of this important tropical home maintenance. If you have a cement roof, it will need to be painted and treated with a waterproofing sealant to protect against leaks. There are many companies that provide this service and a Google search for “Impermeabilizantes Puerto Vallarta” will offer many results for companies that specialize in this service. You can generally expect a 2 to 5 year warranty on the service provided.  

You’ll also want to ensure that your roof is clear of any debris that may have collected over the year, like fallen palm fronds or branches, wayward trash, or nests. If you have a traditional Mexican tiled roof (called “tejas” in Spanish), you will want to replace any broken tiles and a good power-washing will remove any mold, leaving your terra cotta roof looking its best. 

Finally, you’ll want to inspect all seals around any skylights, vents, air-conditioning units, and pumps, as well as ensuring that all connectors and cables are wrapped and protected from potential water damage. 

As with any home, the trick to protecting the value of your home is regular preventative maintenance and luckily, for Puerto Vallarta homeowners, it’s easy to find reliable tradespeople that can help take care of your home with quality work completed at affordable prices, so you’ll have a home you’ll love for years to come. 

Click here for more Puerto Vallarta real estate and lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty.

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