Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Our winter days have come and gone and now it is time to make sure your home is ready for our very special Vallarta Summers! The list is endless but the priorities always seem to be the same.
Here is a friendly reminder of the things we should not forget:
- Air Conditioning (Not likely to forget this one!) – Before the appointments are completely booked, call your AC crew and have them give your units their regular maintenance. Change filters, check the gas levels and make sure that they are running efficiently so that instead of having energy bills that will leave you broke, the units are running to their maximum efficiency. If your air conditioner needs replacement do it BEFORE it gets HOTTER. Check out this site for great tips: consumerenergycenter.org.
- Gutters / Drains – The rainy season is just days away and the last thing you need are surprises sprouting from the gutters or an emergency flood situation because the balcony drains were plugged up and now you have 3 inches of water in your living room. Take the time to clear gutters of leaves, twigs, and debris.
- Bug Prevention – Dead bugs are the best bugs. This is the time of year for unwanted pests to find their way into your homes if the conditions are inviting. Remember to make sure that you don’t have still water in unexpected places. Make sure you are fumigating regularly. Rainy season is the time for mosquitos, scorpions and all kinds of rodents. As the weather warms, insects return in search of food. Don’t put out the welcome mat. Instead, make sure all dry goods are stored in airtight containers. Wash your pet’s dishes as soon as they finish meals. Check seals on trash receptacles and wash all containers and bottles before recycling.
- Weather Stripping / Mosquito Screens – Your air ducts may need testing for leaks and then sealed. Your windows and doors and other parts of your home may need caulking and weather stripping. You may need solar window film to keep out the heat. Make sure that your mosquito screens are all intact to avoid the creepy crawlies from getting in too easily.
- BBQ Maintenance – Don’t forget that this is the best time to BBQ. So get that grill in tip top shape and ready for the grilling season. Check out this entertaining link for a complete list on how to clean your BBQ grill.
- Pool Maintenance and Outdoor Furniture – This is the time to make sure that your pool is the place you WANT to be when the temperature reaches the high 90’s. Remember that in Vallarta with the rains, it is most important to maintain the pool PH balances and keep your pools from unwanted guests. There is nothing quite as refreshing an afternoon dip when you have changed your shirt for the 2nd time and an ice cold beer is calling. Porches, pergolas, palapas, garden rooms, patios, balconies, decks, and terraces can all be thoughtfully planned, furnished, and maintained, in the same manner as indoor rooms.
- Hurricane Preparedness – Remember that the Pacific Hurricane Season is from May 1st through November 1st. We all need to have the basic provisions ready for the occasional power outages. Here is a link to the NOAA Red Cross site with a handy checklist for all to use, and this link to the NOAA website so you know what we should do in case we get that unexpected hurricane.
The best way to enjoy the summer is to avoid surprises and be ready for the unexpected. Once you realize that our rainy season is just as amazing as our winter, get ready to chill out by your pool on a beautiful sunny afternoon or sit on your balcony ready to enjoy the lightning shows sponsored by Mother Nature.
Here’s some helpful information provided by MarthaStewart.com:
Good housekeeping reaches beyond the walls of a home, into all of our outdoor spaces.
Routine Care
Every week, sweep the floors with an outdoor push broom, dust the windowsills, door frames, and ceiling-fan blades using a counter brush. Every month, wash light fixture covers. Because insects tend to collect in them, always remove covers to clean them. Rinse and dry thoroughly before replacing them.
Seasonal Maintenance
Sweep away cobwebs and debris from walls and ceilings with a corn broom, and wash down the walls with a solution of all-purpose cleaner and water using a large polyester sponge. After thoroughly sweeping the floor with an outdoor push broom, scrub away grime with a long-handled deck brush and a solution of all-purpose cleaner and hot water. If you notice an accumulation of mildew on the floor, scrub with a solution of one part oxygen bleach to three parts water using a deck brush. (Wear protective gloves and goggles.)
Clean porch screens with warm water and a nonammoniated all-purpose cleaner using a scrub or utility brush, washing the mesh as well as the frame. Rinse the screens thoroughly with a garden hose, and allow them to air dry. Between deep cleanings, whisk away dust and dirt with a hand-held vacuum or a soft counter brush.
Wooden porch floors and steps look best and last longer if they are painted. Paints formulated specifically for porches and floors are latex or oil-based, self-priming, and are durable enough to withstand the elements. Painting a porch floor is no different from painting any other surface; you must clean and sand first.
Routine Care
Every week, sweep deck floors and thresholds with an outdoor push broom (or more frequently, if necessary) to remove leaves and other debris. Dust railings and windowsills with a counter brush.
Seasonal Maintenance
To wash a deck by hand, first sweep thoroughly and use an old saw blade or putty knife to remove any debris caught between the boards. Next, hose down the deck and scrub it with a long-handled deck brush and a solution of all-purpose cleaner and water, working in strokes that run parallel to the grain of the boards. For tough stains, use a commercial deck brightener or oxalic acid, which lighten dingy, gray wood. If you have a large deck or porch, a power washer saves time. This machine uses high-pressured water to blast away dirt, mildew, and some stains. However, power washers can open the pores in untreated wood surfaces, exposing the surface to the elements and decreasing the deck’s life span.
Once the deck is clean, check for wobbly nails that may have come loose over the winter. Remove them, and replace with galvanized, all-purpose deck screws, which are less likely to pop out of wood than nails are. Fill holes with wood filler, and sand smooth. Carry out any other repairs, such as replacing a splintered or warped board, before the damage worsens.
Once a year (or when drops of water no longer bead on the surface but are absorbed into the wood), coat the deck with a water-based waterproofing sealer. Choose a sealer that contains a UV protector to help block the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays.
Outdoor Furniture Care
Outdoor tables, chairs, and lawn chaises are built from materials that are generally tough enough to withstand sun, rain, and wind. Day to day, they require little more than frequent hosing off. Specialized care is required, however, when stains, scuffs, and scrapes appear. In many cases, cleaners and waxes designed for the care of cars, boats, and decks are appropriate for use on outdoor furnishings. At the end of the season, cover outdoor furnishings with canvas or cotton sheeting to keep them free of dust and protected from moisture. Store the furniture in a shed, a garage, or on a covered porch. Or, if it can’t be kept in a protected area, wrap it well in waterproof tarps designed for outdoor storage of furniture.
Outdoor woven fabrics generally undergo a chemical treatment during manufacturing to increase stain and moisture resistance, regardless of whether they are made from synthetic fibers, such as vinyl-coated polyester or acrylic, or from cotton blends. Once a week, hose fabrics down to remove dust, dirt, and body oils. To deep clean, scrub with a utility brush and a solution of mild soap, such as Dr. Bronner’s, and lukewarm water. Avoid detergents and hot water, which can strip the protective coating off of outdoor fabrics. If fabrics are badly stained or mildewed, scrub with a solution of 1/ 2 cup oxygen bleach and 5 gallons of warm water.
Store all outdoor cushions in a covered area to protect them from rain. If cushions become wet, stand them on end to expedite drying.
Rinse regularly with a spray hose throughout the outdoor season, or all year if you live in a warm climate or humid environment. If mildew is present, remove the cover from the frame, if possible, and brush away any mildew.
If the label says “machine-washable,” place it in a washing machine filled with cold water and a cup of oxygen bleach. Agitate to mix and let the cover sit overnight. Next, drain the water and spin, then launder the cover in cold water using mild soap such as Dr. Bronner’s. Return it to the frame, in the open position, to dry in the sun.
Rinse regularly with a spray hose throughout the outdoor season. Allow the awning to air-dry thoroughly after cleaning; always open awnings after rain to let them dry thoroughly. For a deep cleaning, first rinse the awning, then use a long-handled brush to apply a solution of water and mild soap, such as Dr. Bronner’s. Rinse again. Clean awnings thoroughly and let them dry completely before storing. Store awnings off the ground to lessen the chance that they will become winter homes for rodents.
Driveways, Walks, and Patios
Although driveways and walks are utilitarian, they are extensions of the home, and one of the first things people see when entering your property. Regular care of these areas will prevent them from becoming damaged or unsightly. Sweep weekly with an outdoor push or corn broom or rinse with a hose to keep surfaces clean.
This article was excerpted from Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook.
If you are thinking about buying or selling an investment property in Puerto Vallarta or in the greater Banderas Bay area, contact Tropicasa Realty Agent Grace Ramirez at 322-294-1816 or grace(at)tropicasa.com.