It’s time to get a jump on your 2022 accounting and pay your Puerto Vallarta property taxes to save! Most foreign buyers, particularly from the USA and Canada, are excited to discover that property taxes in Puerto Vallarta are very inexpensive comparatively, in fact it is one of the reasons that owning a vacation property in Mexico is so attractive to many buyers.
Property taxes are called “predial” in Spanish and a rough approximation of annual property taxes on a $300,000 USD property would be approximately $500 USD, depending on the neighborhood and type of construction. However, if you get organized and pay your property taxes prior to the end of February 2022, you will automatically qualify for a 15% early payment discount! For public health reasons, this year we recommend paying your property taxes online, if you are able. You will find all the information that you need listed on the tax bill from the previous year, which would have been included in the packet of documents you received at closing from the notary, if you are a new homeowner.
If you prefer to pay in person, you can visit:
City Hall, Independencia 123 in downtown Puerto Vallarta
UNIRSE, Grandes Lagos 236 in Fluvial
City Hall, Mezquital 604 in Los Portales
Remember to bring along the copy of the previous years’ taxes and keep in mind that you cannot pay Puerto Vallarta property taxes using foreign currency or with a credit card from a foreign bank.
So now is the time to take advantage and save on your property taxes. Check back with us next week when we’ll provide an easy how-to on paying your annual license plate fee for your vehicle.