The warm summer days in Puerto Vallarta have most people clicking the air conditioning remote more often, but relying on AC constantly can add up to higher utility bills. Keep it cool and on-budget with our low cost and energy-efficient tips for your Puerto Vallarta home this summer.
1. Close the blinds. It sounds simple but keeping your windows covered during the warmest parts of the day will help block out the sun to keep your home or condo in Puerto Vallarta from heating up. If you have blackout shades, it’s a great idea to keep them drawn in rooms that you aren’t currently using, to keep those spaces as cool as possible.
2. Make your own “air conditioners”. Not a new trick but a good one, put a large bowl of ice in front of your table fan and have instantly cooler air blowing through your home.
3. Get the most out of your ceiling fans. Make sure they are clean and without dust build-up, so they run efficiently. Also, during summer months, your ceiling fan blades should be set to spin counterclockwise, so they push air down and creates a cool breeze.
4. Only use AC in the room you are using. For those accustomed to central air conditioning, it can be easy to forget to be more user-conscious in your Puerto Vallarta property. Turn off the air conditioning when you leave a room and close the door and window shades, to keep that cool air trapped inside.
5. Keep your air conditioning units well-maintained. Make sure you are always booking twice annual maintenance to have your units cleaned and serviced, so that they run at peak efficiency and save on your energy bills.
A benefit to owning a home in Puerto Vallarta is that cement construction generally helps to naturally maintain temperature levels. So, with these easy tips, we hope you stay comfortable and on-budget this summer in Puerto Vallarta.
Click here for more Puerto Vallarta real estate and lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty.