Tropicasa Realty - Why You Should Be Thinking About Your Air Conditioning Now

Why You Should Be Thinking About Your Air Conditioning Now

Written By Tropicasa Realty | March 8th, 2024

Why You Should Be Thinking About Your Air Conditioning Now

While we’re all enjoying the lovely winter weather with beautiful warm days and that little cozy thrill when evening comes, and you can put a light throw blanket on the bed or wear a long sleeved shirt – it’s the Puerto Vallarta version of “sweater weather” – this season is perhaps the very best of our year-round tropical climate. 

So then why are we talking about air conditioning maintenance? Because while you’re not using your a/c in your Puerto Vallarta condo or home now, it’s still the perfect time to get ahead of the pack and get your annual maintenance taken care of.  

Air conditioners are built to be durable, whether you have a mini-split or invertor, but as all machinery, your a/c units need annual maintenance to run efficiently and problem-free, otherwise you can expect that they will lose up to 5% efficiency each year. And with lower efficiency comes higher electric bills.  

When the weather starts heating up, getting a qualified Puerto Vallarta air conditioner technician to your home can get you on a warm weather waiting list, so taking care of things now, in their slow season, is smart preparation. And it helps keep technicians working all year, which they appreciate also.  

Here are some things you should make sure are on your Puerto Vallarta air conditioner maintenance check list: 

A well-serviced air conditioner helps keep your utility bills low, and it will also help to better dehumidify your Puerto Vallarta home in the humid summer months. A quick online search will find you Puerto Vallarta air conditioner repair companies or ask your building or property manager for recommendations. 

Find here more Puerto Vallarta real estate and lifestyle tips from Tropicasa Realty. 

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