Grace Ramirez – Tropicasa Realty
July 9, 2014
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Disastrous Confusion! I have my property trust, BUT the CFE, TelMex and Seapal bills are not in my name. What do you mean I have to pay Trust fees AND property taxes? HELP!
Congratulations! You now own a home in Puerto Vallarta and four months later it seems like it is still NOT yours. And no one returns your calls.
The previous owner’s name is still on the CFE bill. The TelMex bill is in his wife’s name and you just found the Trust, but where is the deed?
If you feel lost, you are not the first one this has happened to, but let’s see if we can get you on the right track.
If you just closed and want to get the ball rolling from the get-go make sure you have the following to keep it simple:
CFE Comisión Federal de Electricidad (electric bill) make sure you have a signed letter from the seller that transfers the services into your name. They require copies of both the buyer’s and seller’s identification upon the request of the transfer.
The same is required for the transfer of the phone lines for TelMex.
It will take physical visits to both of the offices to actually process the requests.
As far as the water contract, Seapal, actually requires the deed in order to change the name on the contract. Please remember that the deed identifies the Trust.
That brings to mind Bank Trust Fees. They are due one year from the anniversary of your closing date. You will need the information provided in the deed that will have the trust identification number. You will not be billed and the bank will not call to remind you.
Property taxes are to be paid every year, and can be paid online. For the Jalisco Property Tax Office, click HERE. For the Nayarit Property Tax Office, Click HERE. If you pay them in January, you get a 15% discount. In Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco they can be paid in person at the UMA Building on Calle Mezquital #604 in Col. Los Portales (This is past the Bull Ring going towards Pitillal) Tel: (322) 226-8080, Ext. 1106, 1116, or 1122.
If you did not process all of this paperwork upon closing, then you should wait until you have your official deed from the Notario. This generally takes anywhere from 3 to 5 months. It is your obligation to be in contact with the Notario, so once the Escritura (property deed) is ready you may finally finish the name changing process on all of your paperwork and utility bills.
Buying a home in Puerto Vallarta (and nearby communities) can be made a lot easier with a checklist in place and a reliable real estate agent by your side. There are a lot of great properties available right now… maybe it’s time for you to start your search and plan your move to paradise!
If you are thinking about buying a home in Puerto Vallarta or the greater Banderas Bay area, let Tropicasa Realty Agent Grace Ramirez be your guide! You can contact her at 322-294-1816 or grace(at)tropicasa.com.