Tropicasa Realty - The Creatures You’ll Meet in Puerto Vallarta

The Creatures You’ll Meet in Puerto Vallarta

Written By Tropicasa Realty | November 30th, 2021

The Creatures You’ll Meet in Puerto Vallarta

If you’ve bought a new home in sunny Puerto Vallarta, you’re going to have some new neighbours to meet, and we don’t just mean people. Life in the tropics comes with a community of creatures that sometimes like to drop by! Most times, these guests are welcome visitors, but like anywhere, there are a few unsavory characters to look out for. Let’s meet some of your new neighbors!

Geckos: watching one of these little guys scurrying across the wall can be a little alarming for some at first, but geckos are a welcome houseguest because they love snacking on mosquitoes, moths and spiders.

Caterpillars: you’ll likely come across some of these hairy squiggles in your garden. The black ones are harmless but be careful of the yellow ones because touching their hair can cause skin irritation.

Tlacuaches: if you have seeding palm trees around your back yard, you might spy a tlacuache up in the fronds. These Mexican opossums are smaller than your average house cat, nocturnal, and will be much more surprised to see you than you will to see them! They’ll “play possum” while you’re around and keep still, so they are no threat. They helpfully eat mosquitos and are actually quite endearing for such an odd-looking creature.

Iguanas: from big to small, we’ve got them all in Puerto Vallarta. You’ll see these pre-historic looking fellows in trees, on rocks, or sometimes on the side of the road just getting some sun. Their rugged, no-nonsense appearance should be enough to tell you that they won’t appreciate being pet, but they are not generally dangerous to humans if you respect their personal space. Pet owners should use caution, however, as a whip from an iguana’s tail can send your furry friend straight the veterinarian.

Toads: In rainy season, toads turn up in your back yard or your carpark from time to time. Though often harmless, there are Cane Toads in Puerto Vallarta that have poisonous skin that can hurt your dog or cat, if licked.

Crocodiles: Don’t worry, they are not coming to your house, however, on a rare occasion you may see a crocodile on the beach, particularly near the mouths of rivers, and around Marina Vallarta. Pay attention to crocodile warning signs and never approach these giant reptiles because they can be dangerous to both humans and pets.

Having such rich and varied wildlife around Puerto Vallarta is one of the many reasons this is a favorite destination for relocating, and now that you’ve met the neighbours, you’ll feel right at home in our community.

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